Vrindavan is located in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, around 150 km to the south of New Delhi.
Nearest Airport : Indira
Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi. Vrindavan is approx 150 kms away from New
Delhi and the road journey should take approximately 2.5 hours.
Nearest Railway station :
Mathura is the nearest railway station to Vrindavan. Vrindavan is a distance of
10 kms from Mathura and you can take a private cab or a rickshaw or a tempo to reach
minutes walk from Shri Bankebihari mandir.
Contact Address
Hari Om Shakti charitable trust
Shree Rasbihari Ashta Sakhi Mandir
Parikrama Marg, VIP Road,
Near Shree Banke Bihari Mandir,
Vrindavan, Mathura,
Pin : 281124
Tel : + 91 9917348499
Email :